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Межрегиональная общественная организация содействия изучению, пропаганде научного наследия Н.Д. Кондратьева

XVII Kondratieff Readings
Long-term forecasting: historical experience and
the critical analysis
December 12, 2009 Moscow
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The Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation

Institute of Economics RAS
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The latest news


The International Kondratieff Foundation and Branch of research of cycles and forecasting of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences announce the V International Kondratieff competition for N.D. Kondratieff medals. The medals are awarded to Russian and foreign scientists for outstanding contribution in the development of social sciences. The winners are awarded with gold, silver and bronze medals (оnе for Russian and one for foreign scientists respectively).

Read more about the competition

Report by R. Grinberg is posted on the site

To the attention of the participants of the IKF Conference "Does Russia have a Future not based on Natural Resources?"

The paper written by the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences R. Grinberg, Director of the Institute of Economics, RAS under the title of "Does Russia have a Future not based on Natural Resources ?" is posted on the site.

You are kindly invited to participate in the discussion.

Report by Fetisov G. G. is posted on the site

To the attention of the participants of the IKF Conference "Does Russia have a Future not based on Natural Resources?"

The paper written by the Heфad of Department of macroeconomic regulation and planning of the Moscow State University’s Economics Department, Doctor of Science (Econ.), professor under the title of "Future of Russian Economy: Export of Raw-Materials, Diversification or High Technology?" is located on the site.

You are kindly invited to participate in the discussion

English version is online!

Finally English version of the site is online.

Key organizers

The International N.D.Kondratieff Foundation

Institute of Economics RAS

The Economic Department of the MSU
Web-design and programming: Prikhodko Maxim
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